Àngel Puyol
Senior lecturer in Political Ethics and Philosophy at the UAB
Senior lecturer in Political Ethics and Philosophy in the Department of Philosophy at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Humanities consultant at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. He is a member of the Catalan Bioethics Committee, the Hospital Vall d’Hebron Healthcare Ethics Committee and the Barcelona Regenerative Medicine Centre Clinical Research Ethics Committee. He has been a guest lecturer at the London School of Economics and Political Science, at New York University and at the Università di Roma La Sapienza, among other international centres. His lines of research are bioethics and theories of justice and equality. He has been the main researcher on two R&D research projects: The philosophy of public health and Justice and democracy: towards a new solidarity mode].
Besides articles in national and international magazines, he has had various books published, notably Justícia i salut: Ètica per al racionament dels recursos sanitaris (winner of the 1998 Víctor Grífols Foundation Research Award), El discurso de la igualdad (2001), El sueño de la igualdad de oportunidades (2010), Rawls (2015) and El derecho a la fraternidad (2017).