Daniel Gamper
Lecturer in Moral and Political Philosophy
Lecturer in Moral and Political Philosophy at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. His research and teaching interests focus on democracy, liberalism and religion. He has published numerous articles on religions and democratic societies, the limits of liberalism and the concept of tolerance. He is the author of Laicidad europea. Apuntes de filosofia política postsecular (Edicions Bellaterra, 2019) and Las mejores palabras. De la libre expresión (Premi Anagrama d'Assaig 2019), among other works. He has translated works by authors such as Nietzsche and Habermas, and is an occasional contributor to the opinion section of the newspaper Ara.
He has also taken part in numerous events and debates, in collaboration with the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB), and has published interviews with authors such as Zygmunt Bauman, John Gray and Michael Walzer for the “Dixit” collection (Katz publishing house and CCCB).