Marta Tafalla
Member of the Scientific Council of the Centre for Animal Ethics
PhD in Philosophy and lecturer in Ethics and Aesthetics at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Member of the Scientific Council of the Centre for Animal Ethics at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Her research focuses on the relationship between animals, humans and nature from an ethical and aesthetic perspective.
She is the author of the novels La biblioteca de Noé (2006) and Nunca sabrás a qué huele Bagdad (2010). In 2011 she received the 2011 Aposta Award for young researchers at the UAB for her project Olfato y anosmia en la apreciación estética. Her latest book is Ecoanimal (2019), an essay that rethinks the relationship between human beings and nature and which offers an aesthetic ecologist and animalist proposal for tackling today’s challenges.