Carlos Fernández Liria

PhD in Philosophy, a reference for movements on the left

A PhD in Philosophy from the Complutense University of Madrid, where he is a senior lecturer in the Philosophy Department. He had previously been the Professor of Philosophy in Secondary Education.

His teaching work, participation in movements opposed to the Bologna process, his book Educació per a la ciutadania: Democràcia, capitalisme i estat de dret (2007), his participation in international debates on the situation in Venezuela based on the Bolivian process and his defence of the republican institutions of the Enlightenment and the concept of citizenship have made him a reference in left-wing social movements in the Spanish State.

His published essays on philosophy, anthropology and politics includeEn defensa del populismo (2016), Marx desde cero (2018) and Marx 1857: El problema del método y la dialéctica (2019). He is a columnist for media publications such as Público, El Viejo Topo and