Steven Forti
Historian, member of the Centre for Studies on Dictatorships and Democracies (CEDID)
A PhD in Contemporary History from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and the Università degli Studi di Bologna, and a Master’s- Degree in Contemporary History from the UAB and the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Forti focuses his research on political and cultural history and the history of political thought in 20th-century Europe, with a special interest in comparative and transnational history and political-language analysis. He has studied the history of fascism, the left and intellectuals during the inter-war period in depth, as well as the history of nationalism, populism and the extreme right in the contemporary era.
He is a member of the Hispona research group, focusing on the political, cultural and social aspects of the urban world in the 20th century, as well as the Centre for Studies of the Francoist Era and Democracy (CEFID) and the Centre for Studies on Dictatorships and Democracies (CEDID) at the UAB. Notable publications include El peso de la nación: Nicola Bombacci, Paul Marion y Óscar Pérez Solís en la Europa de entreguerras (2014) and, more recently, Patriotas indignados: Sobre la nueva ultraderecha en la Posguerra Fría: Neofascismo, posfascismo y nazbols (2019), with Francisco Veiga, Carlos González Vila, Alfredo Sasso, Jelena Prokopljević and Ramon Moles.
He is currently a researcher at the Institute of Contemporary History (IHC) at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa.