Marina Garcés
Philosopher, essayist and lecturer
Philosopher and lecturer in Philosophy at the UOC. Her work focuses on the area of politics, critical thought and the need to coordinate a new philosophical voice capable of questioning and committing.
She is the author of the essay books Un mundo común (Bellaterra, 2013), Filosofía inacabada (Galaxia Gutenberg, 2015) and Nova il·lustració radical (Anagrama, 2017), for which she received the 2018 City of Barcelona Prize. She has also published a collection of her articles for the newspaper Ara under the title Fora de classe: Textos de filosofia de guerrilla (Arcàdia, 2016). Her latest works are Ciutat Princesa (Galaxia Gutenberg, 2018), a book of political, personal and collective memories, where she also reviews Barcelona’s recent history, and the collective book Humanitats en acció (2019), which features the Open Classroom lectures that she ran in collaboration with the Institut d’Humanitats de Barcelona.