David Casacuberta
Researcher in philosophy of science and technology
He is a lecturer and researcher in philosophy of science and technology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, a co-director of the Elisava Master's Degree in Website Projects, a lecturer on the Master's Degree course in Cultural Management at the UB and in Contemporary Art Theory at Eina. His research is focused on the social, cultural and cognitive impact of ICTs.
In 2003 he received the Eusebi Colomer Prize for best essay on social, anthropological, philosophical or ethical aspects relating to the new technological society, and the Ingenio 400 Prize from the Ministry of Culture for best net.art project, for his X-Reloaded.
He has work at Trànsit Projectes on projects relating to e-inclusion and ICTs and ways of using them in the fight against social exclusion, and in other projects centred on digital culture, such as Hiperiment for the CCCB.