Mayo Fuster
Director of the Dimmons action research group in socio-economic innovation at the IN3 at the Open University of Catalonia (OUC).
Director of the Dimmons action research group on socio-economic innovation at the IN3, Open University of Catalonia. Faculty associate at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University and at the Institute of Government and Public Policies at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (IGOPnet). Her doctoral thesis, which she concluded at the European University Institute in Florence (2010), deals with governance of commons-based peer production, a field she has developed in numerous publications. She is the principal researcher in the European P2Pvalue project, a techno-social platform working on sustainable P2P models. She is also in charge of BarCola, a group of experts in collaborative economy and production of common assets at Barcelona City Council, and runs Procommons: Commons Collaborative Economy.
In November 2018 she co-organised the Sharing Cities Summit to discuss the co-creation of public policies in the collaborative economy, held in Barcelona.