Elizabeth Duval
Transgender writer and philosopher
A post-marxist and transgender writer and philosopher, Duval writes poetry, narratives, theatre and essays and explores the intersection between the textual and audiovisual realms. She appeared on the front cover of TEMPTACIONS in 2017 with a report entitled El futur és trans and has been the visible face of the movement for 14 years.
She has contributed to anthologies such as Cuadernos de Medusa (2018), Asalto a Oz (2019), De Chueca al Cielo (2019) and Madrid (2020). She has worked as a playwright, creator and interpretor in Y el cuerpo se hace hombre (2019) and 14 variacions: un amor que asesine el lenguaje (2019). Recently she had two collections of poems published, Excepción (2020) and Reina (2020), as well as her first novel.
Duval studied Philosophy at the Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne and French philology at the Université Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle. For 2021 she is preparing an essay on the trans world and a further collection of poems.