Barcelona Cultura
2024-05-21 01:03:14

Activitats Biennal

Digital City , Democratic city , Diverse city , Habitable City / Dialogue , Live arts

Night of the bookshops

As soon as Barcelona City Council's Commissioner for Culture announced the preparation in October of the Thought and Arts Biennial, with the aim of offering the general public great debates on culture, thought and the change of era, the relationship between the city and ideas, the Catalan Association of Booksellers applauded the idea.
There are shared values in the planning of this event. The Association considers books to be a cultural asset, i.e. as a structuring element for individuals and society, apart from the economic value that they represent in the cultural and creative industries as a whole. Culture, innovation, the public presence of bookshops, understood as city facilities, as places that become centres for cultural dissemination through books and which foster participation in public life.

Understanding bookshops as living, active and essential cultural stakeholders is what encouraged the Association to work on an initiative that adds interest to the official programme. This is the origin of the Night of the Bookshops, a diverse, open event in the city's neighbourhoods, offering a wide range of activities relating to the Biennial's themes, adding value and service to the general public.
For the evening of 18 October, around twenty neighbourhood bookshops have prepared a series of varied proposals which will approach the central themes of debate while also showcasing the different personalities of each establishment.

Identifying books and people for reflection and debate. Discovering bookshops as a centre of critical interest that is local, central and open every day of the year. Showcasing essays, thought and art. Active participation.

Cooperativa Cultural Rocaguinarda
A city, some neighborhoods, to live, work and love

Talk and debate between Ivan Miró, Laura Álvarez and Ariadna Trillas on the habitability of the city: gentrification, tourism and neighborhood.
Time: from 19 to 23h

Llibreria Sendak
Literary models against the male universal in children's and young people's literature

Bel Olid's talk about the need to preserve and enhance the diversity of literary models in the LIJ from the book Les heroïnes contraataquen.
Time: from 20:30h

Llibreria Barra/Llibre
Neighborhood movements, past, present and future

Talk about the book Construyendo dignidad: del barrio a la ciudad, with the author, Ángel Merino, and the activist Arcadi Oliveres. Moderated by the journalist Txema Seglers.
Time: from 19h

Llibreria Bolibloc
Book club of the book Mare de llet i mel, by Najat el Hachmi
Activity focused on migration and the role of women in our communities.
Time: from 20h

La Central de Mallorca
Tribute to Josep Fontana, a book man

The storytelling: nation, city and folk classes, with the participation of publisher Gonzalo Pontón and historians Borja de Riquer, Jordi Maluquer de Motes and Xavier Domènech.
Time: from 19,30h

La Central del Raval
Presentation of the book El alma del mar, by Philip Hoare

Winner of the Essay Prize Samuel Johnson 2009, Philip Hoare, one of the most interesting authors of the British literary landscape, closes the trilogy initiated with Leviatán o la ballena and El mar interior with a book that takes us from the suburbs of London to the coasts from the Atlantic. A trip dotted with human stories and characters related to the sea and its creatures.
Time: from 19h

Llibreria La Impossible
Presentation of the poemary Blau argila, by Esperança Castell

Modernity, progress and human dignity. Marta Pérez talks with the autor, accompanied by music.
Time: from 19,30h

Presentation of the book La izquierda del Siglo XXI. Ideas y diálogo Norte-Sur para un proyecto necesario

Conversation by Jean-Louis Laville, author of the book, with Gemma Ubasart.
Time: from 21 h

Llibreria Hispano Americana
The craftsmen of the 21st century. Discover digital manufacturing tools

Workshop to discover how to use the existing digital manufacturing tools, such as the laser cutting machine or 3D printing. Managed by Bits & Books.
Time: from 21 to 23h

Chat and presentation of the books El fil invisible by Gemma Lienas, Dones úniques, by Montse Barderi, Sara i els silencis by Maria Escalas.
The struggle of women for recognition from a literary view. The three authors will talk with the cultural journalist Bernat Puigtobella, with live jazz, drinks and appetizers.

Poetry recital and theatrical performance of Pere Quart's work

Literature as a tool for social criticism. With the participation of Jaume Fornés and Laura Riera. Later an appetizer will be served.
Time: from 20,30h

Presentation of the book Mujeres, Casas y Ciudades, by Zaida Muxí

History of architecture and urbanism from a gender perspective, which provides visibility and voice to women who have contributed to the development of cities.
Time: from 20:30 h

Llibreria ANTINOUS
Presentation of the book Guía para la salud & El entrenamiento masculino

Tips and reflections by the poet Walt Whitman in crisis of the concept of masculinity.
Time: from 20 to 22h.

Presentation of the magazine Parentheses

Valerie Coulton, Emilie Delcourt, Harriet Sandilans and Edward Smallfield talk about poetry as a innovation catalyst and the debate about society and environment.
Time: from 20 a 23h.

La Casa del Llibre - Rambla de Catalunya, 37
Presentation of the book Posverdades emocionales, by M. Mercè Conangla and Jaume Soler

Post-truth and emotional conflict based on a storybook.
Time: 19,00 h
Poetic recital
By Laia Carbonell, Maria Sevilla and Raquel Santanera. A glass of wine will be served during the event.
Time: 21,00h

La Casa del Llibre – Pg. De Gràcia, 62
Talk with Martí Gironell and pre-reading of the new book by Care Santos

The activities will be attended by the both authors, an example of how literature explores human relationships
Time: from 19 to 23h.

Llibreria Gigamesh
Social networks: freedom or dystopia

A talk between Marcos Martin and Albert Monteys about the possibility of utopia from comics.
Time: 21h.

Llibreria Laie
Illustration as a social tool. Humanization of health centers.

Round table about illustration as a social tool, based on various experiences of humanization of health centers especially aimed at children. They will participate: Rosa Clotet (architect), Ignasi Blanch (illustrator) and Marta Solé (expert in humanization of health). At the end of the event an aperitif will be served.
Free admission - Limited seating

Libreria La Carbonera
Night at La Carbonera with Bruno de Fabriziis and Cris Dotras

Covers of the most known pop music with Bruno de Fabriziis and Cris Dotras. There will be bar service with the best craft beer, the Maltista.
Time: from 20,30 to 23h.


18 October 2018
20:30 - 23:00

Cooperativa Cultural Rocaguinarda, Sendak, Barra/Llibre, Bolibloc, La Central, La Impossible, ESPAI CONTRABANDOS, Hispano Americana, ABACUS, A PEU DE PÀGINA, PEBRE NEGRE, ANTINOUS, ANIMAL SOSPECHOSO, La Casa del Llibre, Gigamesh, Laie, La Carbonera

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