Barcelona Cultura
2024-05-16 21:17:31

Activitats Biennal

Democratic city / Dialogue

Cities and sovereignty

Traditionally, the concept of sovereignty has been identified with the 'supreme' or superior power of the state. But the change of era, with digitalisation and globalisation, the hegemony of markets and the emergence of a social conscience that rejects it, has given it new meanings: e.g. cities speak of sovereignties, in the plural, in order to refer to the need for being self-sufficient in areas such as energy, water and big data.

To what extent can we continue to speak of sovereignty in the way we used to? How should we expect the subject of sovereignty to evolve in coming years? How do we perceive all of this from Barcelona and from Catalonia?

This activity will be streamed live.


17 October 2018
19:30 - 21:00

Moderating and taking part
Xavier Antich

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