Barcelona Cultura
2024-05-01 22:12:33

Rosi Braidotti

Rosi Braidotti

(Latisana, 1954)

Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Humanities Centre at the University of Utrecht. Born in Italy and raised in Australia, where she graduated from the Australian National University in Canberra, she received her doctorate in Philosophy from Sorbonne University (Paris). She has been a lecturer at the University of Utrecht since 1998. Considered one of the pioneers in European women’s studies, she has received numerous awards throughout her careers, including honorary doctorates from the University Linköping (Sweden, 2013) and University of Helsinki (2007), and the European Commission’s Erasmus Prize (2010).

Notable reference works by her translated into Spanish include Sujetos nómadas (Paidós-Argentina, 2000), Metamorfosis. Hacia una teoría materialista del devenir (Akal, 2003), Feminismo, diferencia sexual y subjetividad nómade (Gedisa, 2004), Transposiciones (Gedisa 2009) and Lo Posthumano (Gedisa, 2015). She recently published Por una política afirmativa. Itinerarios éticos (Gedisa, 2018).

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