Barcelona Cultura
2024-05-16 17:42:13

Activitats Biennal

Diverse city / Live arts

Concert by Yacine Belahcene

The eclectic journey around the suburbs of Yacine’s Mediterranean, with a mix of electric Arab rock and Catalan rock, will begin just after the conclusion of the activity Dialogues for thinking about diversity, organised by the CCCB. She is the daughter of an Algerian father and a Catalan mother, and resides in Catalonia. Yacine unashamedly vindicates Mediterranean musicality, with sounds taken from the ports of Algiers, Marseilles and Barcelona, distant geographically but close emotionally.

The concert is an initiative from the Institute of Mediterranean Studies.

Yacine Belahcene Benet, vocals
Massinissa Aït-Ahmed, guembri and bass
Gabriel Fletcher, guitar
Alexandre Guitart, percussion


20 October 2018
21:00 - 22:00

Pati de les Dones


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