Barcelona Cultura
2024-05-01 16:10:01

Najat El Hachmi

Najat El Hachmi

(Nador, 1979)

Writer, graduate in Arab Philology from the University of Barcelona. She made her début with Jo també sóc catalana (Edicions 62, 2004), an autobiography on her identity and feelings of belonging to a new country. She received the Ramon Llull Prize in 2008 for her novel L’últim patriarca (Edicions 62, 2008), the first of her family trilogy marked by a strongly autobiographical content where she recreates experiences arising from the coexistence of several cultures. The second and third books in her trilogy are La filla estrangera (Edicions 62, 2015) and Mare de llet i mel (Edicions 62, 2018). He has also collaborated with several media, presented a weekly information programme in the Amazigh language on the former Catalunya Cultura station and is currently a columnist for El Periódico de Catalunya.

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