Barcelona Cultura
2024-04-28 21:58:20


Ciutat Oberta Biennal de pensament


The world changes, cities are transformed. Cities are places where many of the transformations that herald a change of era take place. Meeting points that bring together diversity, opportunities, a capacity for innovation and creativity, but also conflicts and exclusion. Cities must resolve the problems of a globalised world at a local level. Open City Biennial of Thought therefore aims to link the debate on the role of today's cities with the big challenges facing contemporary society.


This Biennial is also a celebration. Of the human wealth found in cities; of the many lives, stories and worlds that populate them; of their capacity for being a place of welcome and shelter; of their transformative and creative power. A celebration of cities as places of freedom, thought and action.


From 15 to 21 October, Open City Biennial of Thought calls on people from here and around the world to think and debate about all of these questions. In the city's squares, markets and neighbourhoods. In libraries and civic centres. Because the aim is to start a debate on the cities we want and need, with the participation of everyone.


The Biennial of Thought is an invitation to think, get involved and experience. A festival of ideas.