Barcelona Cultura
2024-09-21 03:02:33

Guernica Facundo Vericat

Guernica Facundo Vericat

She started her professional career in 1997, in public administration, moving on later to work in the third sector, always in the field of promoting entrepreneurial initiatives. He launched her own professional activity in 2005, creating a social consultancy two years later. Specialist in gender and enterprise (she wrote El libro rojo de las mujeres emprendedoras), she has been steadily incorporating social enterprise into her professional experience. She presently coordinates the LabCoop cooperative which promotes cooperative and social-innovation entrepreneurship initiatives. She is a partner of Coop57 and Eticom-SomConnexió, whose Governing Board she sits on. She is a graduate in Political Sciences and Administration from the UAB, a postgraduate in Applied Management in Local Development from the Institute of Continuing Education at the UPF and a diploma in Public Management and Administration from the UPF.

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